Samuel Temblador


Laberinto child,

Recinto child,

       Strange Fruit 

Prickly Pear



2 Americas,

         3 Méxicos, 

               1 Ciudad de Los Ángeles

La Tuna Que Soy,

Sings Prickly Pear Boy


Whose ajuate tipped tongue 

                             lies a topography


                    in the daily                  Relational ripples,


The texture of which

    Feels,  is alive… is                                             

Psychic Sinuous Walls, 

Rubber vessels

Fibrous snakes, 




        Where my echo sutures

                                    A Severed self, 

                       Forked,                               Hissing Feathered Serpent Hymns,

                                   Serpent Tongue, 

               In the key of prickly P,

      Rattling toward the core

 of the cosmos,

                      Invoking new cycles:

Through the Bars and Stripes --------a-million-green-sleeping-nopalli 

Jaguar Skinned, Lord of Night keeps vigil over their dreams 

                   Witnessing, the sixth sun rise

        Over the world’s remakes,               And there, through the desert, blooms P the Tenacious

    Rippling through  the  ruins…..of 

                        broken walls 

       Busted brown bodies 

                                    severed tongues, made anew. 


Samuel Temblador is a bilingual writer of fiction and poetry originally from South Central, Los Angeles. At the moment, he works as a full-time California court certified interpreter working to ensure language access to the court system for Spanish speaking communities. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Spanish literature from UCLA and volunteers as a program facilitator for the Chicano Youth Leadership Conference in his free time. Currently pursuing an MFA at Antioch University, his Latinx Sci-Fi novel, “Contacto,” is in progress there as well as a collection of poems.