Whatever it is, our stories must be told.
An Invitation?
Dream it.
We are a community eager to receive more invitations to build relationships, to learn more about your dynamic work. We do not know all, nor do we control all so we have recently changed our language from the language of submission to invitation. We publish art, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, translation and cross-genre works that can be sent to us through SUBMITTABLE. No work will be read outside of the online project manager. Send us your encapsulated dreams. We will read with care.
The Acentos Review is published online four times each year. We publish the work of Latinx artists and writers.
The official reading period is year long.
Deadlines for submission consideration:
October 15 Publication Date
August 1 DeadlineJanuary 30 Publication Date
November 1 DeadlineApril 15 Publication Date
February 1 DeadlineJuly 15 Publication Date
May 1 DeadlineWork sent outside of that window will be read but not acted on until the next scheduled reading period.
Interview submissions: Please query first at acentosreview@gmail.com.
Receive A Response
All submissions are read by The Acentos Review staff before decisions are made. We do not consider previously published material. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable with immediate notification of publication. Please follow the guidelines closely! What ever the decision you receive, trust that we have read your work with care.
If accepted for publication, the first North American serial rights shall be considered exclusive until the last day of the month in which accepted work is published in The Acentos Review. Upon publication in manuscript, book, anthology or journal, The Acentos Review requests acknowledgement of first publication. All published works are archived online. Translations under copyright domain require approval of the original author.