Lizeth De La Luz
where you’ll find me
when people start collecting moondust
selling it by the ounce or
out in a bodega
laugh at the unreasonable price
buy a jar of it anyway
and scatter it around your bed
frame the promises
with the gaze of your disappointment
across your walls
discover all that it tries to tell you
the fever dream of travel
a wish fulfilled
of tragic longing
a multitude of strands of desire
to step foot on the moon
in echoes of a thousand footsteps
the conversations
listen to how the structures caved in
how people missed lost flavors
how their soil couldn’t sustain itself
and regurgitated it’s shiny body
the pulse of the moon dissolved as
soon as people arrived
they wish upon where you stand now
as they dig and dig
destroy and take
you would have loved
the view before colors disseminated
into faded hope
place moondust around your bed
and it’ll guide you as you fall
into a better tomorrow
Lizeth De La Luz is a Mexican American poet from California. She writes about the frustrations of language barriers, learned barriers, and the anxieties of living/loving/grieving in a Mexican body in the United States. Her work has been published in Latino Literatures, Rogue Agent, and Samfiftyfour among other publications. Find her work at
Instagram: @desahogar_poetics