Jonathan Diaz

The First Sorrowful Mystery

We pass the dire night in kneeling,

hours after mass. Each flame

carried out, each bright thing

masked as we are sung into unseeing prayer.

I still taste the bitter chalice:

a copper tang beneath the thin

veneer of gold, the faintest touch

of sugared wine onto my tongue,

the host wetly crumbling in my mouth.

The first food I have eaten today

and it is holy and scarce. I remain

ravenous, a body useless

for devotion. The dim hours 

of contemplation have left me 

looking for any lure to catch

my drooping head, to pull it 

over the lip of the pew before me: 

But this dark confounds each effort

and shuts my weighty eyes.


I, drowsy apostle: 

god’s blood 

in my 

slumbering gut.


Jonathan Diaz is a Chicano poet and educator from Los Angeles, California. He has received an M.F.A. in poetry from the University of Notre Dame and taught rhetoric, composition, and great books courses at Biola University, the University of Southern California, and Baylor University, where he is pursuing a Ph.D. in English Literature. Diaz’s poetry can be found in Latino Book Review, Rock & Sling, and Shō Poetry Journal. He currently lives in Texas with his wife, Abigail.