Ismail Soldan


I am 'Wahid',

First and only

By birth a living contradiction

Muslim and Latin

A joke and genetic affirmation

Not a mongrel but a new breed

on the verge of extinction

Stitched together by world events

The Caribbean, Sao Paulo, Washington state

A missed bullet in the great war,

Eyes for gold and land and lustful men

Naturally selected for a blend

Dates, mangoes, and a thousand sins

This tan a permanent reminder

blessing and curse, sweet and sour as conception

As many homes as grandparents

Each vying for a part of my soul

Whipped by wind exhaled in South America

Many worlds away from my place of birth

Embraced and burned by the same sun

A question mark for the ignorant

'Wahid' means one unless you're me

In which case it means alone


Ismail Soldan is a writer and poet whose experiences have taken him on many grand adventures, real and imaginary. Driven by a deep love for the written word, Soldan seeks to share his art and unique outlook with readers around the world. His work has been featured in Illustrated Worlds, Flights, LatineLit, and Adventures. Soldan was the recipient of the 2022 Spectrum Award for Adult Fiction and took the second place prize for Adult Poetry at the same event. He currently resides in Dayton, OH.