Guadalupe Salgado Partida
he tugs my left hand on our way to school
He tugs at my hand with his tiny ten fingers, but I do not yet know that his palms are small because mine are just as fresh and petite as his. He pulls, pulls harder; pulls because my mother said to be a “buen estudiante,” and that is what he wants to be in preschool. But he falls asleep at his desk with his head between his arms y un cachete dripping like a fountain with saliva.
He tugs at my hand because I will make us late again for staring at the trees for too long, for staring at the cats way too much, for wanting to touch the slick surface of a petal destined yellow over a dandelion. He tugs at me, but today the swaying of the leaves pulls harder.
Guadalupe Salgado Partida is a bright-eyed 30-year-old who loves reading Spanish, Portuguese, English, and Korean poetry. She is from Los Angeles, CA but resides in Goyang, South Korea. When she is not working or writing, she meditates and takes pleasure in the world around her.