Emily Velasquez

if the desert whistles back 

each lump of sand thirsts 

like a lamp bowled in its gluttonous gold

every eye blinks every

eye strips afraid of the solstice thief

where feet get swaddled

for the first time

the first time

your mother speed reads aloud 

her tongue becomes the hook of the story 

she remembers allá and you become the desert

because allá is not a place with you, allá exists 

when she whispers about her father’s other wife and

other children and you are aca when her sounds say ellos

she grieves with her fingers each one pointing to a past

to allá, where trees flap their wings before they die


I am Emily Velasquez, a current MFA in Creative Writing and MA in English Graduate student at Chapman University. I am fascinated by language and, most specifically, recycling it in such ways that a word or a phrase can be pushed further than how it’s been presented to be read. When I read poetry, I enjoy when I come across writing where words bleed beyond themes, form, and meaning, but you can feel each sound on the page. My favorite poets are Diana Khoi Nguyen, José Olivarez, Lucille Clifton, and Brenda Cárdenas.