Ben M.C.

2 Poems

The Jalisco Plains

I came early at 6:00am… deadgrass, little life, new roads, new homes

Jetlag weighed beneath my saggy observant eyes,

A force stronger than caffeine or love told me to


Out the window heading towards

The Ex-Hacienda

The air spoke 

and solitude 

was the melody.

I last visited when I was 18 and before that 8. And I remember little. There are glimpses… my primo Paco pulling a knife out on my cousin Danny, Tio Lazero digging a hole for all the nieces and nephews to swim in God’s rain, my Abuelo getting hammered at my mother’s wedding (unafraid of the faces and comments), and of course, the bloodsucking, annoying fucking mosquitos. I can hear the melody loop between my skull, solitude exists—only to be destroyed by the voices of paisanos

We will shout (over who deserves the terrenos),

cry (because nostalgia brings back the dead),

laugh (at the children when they pretend to act grown),

and sing—the harmony of rancheros.

Layering the harmony of our souls into the silent refrain of the air,

The sky is now our music. 

Un Trompo En Mi Panza


Ben M.C. is a poet and amateur photographer based out of the San Diego area. He graduated with a Bachelor’s in English at San Diego State University to pursue his passion in writing and to advocate for poetry in daily life. In his free time he enjoys: writing alongside his black cat, exploring the city, and attending local literary events. You can follow his Instagram @dysfunfotos for photography and @benmcpoetry for more poetry!